



430 (Fuess; metallurgical microscope; c. 1930)
421 (W.
Watson & Sons; Praxis microscope; 1914)
423 (R. Winkel; continental type microscope; 1917)
428 (Prior; compound microscope; 1939)
352 (W Watson & Sons; KIMA microscope; c. 1932)





383 (W Watson & Sons; Service microscope; c. 1934)
413 (Spencer;
microscope Nº. 44; c. 1919)
384 (W Watson & Sons; Service microscope; c. 1947)
353 (unassigned maker; microscope model XSC-04; 1960s)
411 (J Swift; polarising microscope, model P; 1950s)





436 (W. Watson & Sons; Service microscope; 1960)
440 (Prior;
compound microscope; 1970s)
399 (R & J Beck; microscope model 47L; 1950s – 1960s)
361 (Nikon; microscope series S; 1970s)
362 (Nikon; microscope model L-Ke; 1970s)





398 (Wild Heerbrugg; microscope M20; 1960s)
410 (R
& J Beck; Laboratory metallurgical microscope London model, No. 3228;
392 (Vickers; Patholette microscope; 1960s)
444 (C. Baker; Patholette research microscope; 1960s)
445 (C. Baker; inverted Patholette microscope; 1960s)


429 (Charles Baker; Biolux II electric microscope; 1950s)
447 (R &
J Beck; Diamax microscope; 1960s)





400 (Ernst Leitz; stereo binocular microscope; 1930s)
412 (Carl
Zeiss and J Swift; Zeiss’s Greenough microscope on a Swift’s foot;
414 (Carl Zeiss; Greenough binocular microscope stand XA; c.
427 (W. Watson & Sons; Greenough’s binocular microscope,
pattern 2; c. 1935)
437 (Spencer; convertible binocular microscope No. 58; 1920s)





453 (Bausch & Lomb; stereoscopic microscope with drum
nosepiece; c. 1927)
375 (Bausch
& Lomb; Stereoscopic Greenough microscope; 1930s)
409 (R & J Beck; Stereoscopic microscope Binomax; 1930s)
373 (R & J Beck; Stereoscopic microscope Binomax; 1930s)
441 (R & J Beck; Greenough’s binocular microscope; 1950s)





374 (R & J Beck; Stereoscopic microscope Greenough; 1940s
– 1960s)
393 (Charles
Baker; metallurgical microscope; 1950s)
354 (W. Watson & Sons; low-power binocular dissecting
microscope; c. 1932)
368 (W Watson & Sons; low-power stereo dissecting
microscope; c. 1937)
422 (Carl Zeiss; binocular stand magnifier XII F; c. 1940)





376 (Prior; Stereoscopic microscope; 1950s)
379 (Prior;
Stereoscopic microscope; 1950s)
442 (Prior; stereoscopic microscope; 1950s)
420 (E. Leitz; stereo microscope; c.
405 (Prior; Stereoscopic microscope; 1950s)





406 (R & J Beck; Binomax; 1930s)
407 (Charles
Baker; Sterimag stereoscopic microscope; early 1960s)
408 (Ernst Leitz; stereoscopic binocular microscope; late
446 (Carl Zeiss; binocular stand XB; c. 1912)
397 (Vision Engineering Ltd; 4/200 stereo microscope; 1960s)





377 (American Optical; stereoscopic shop microscope; c. 1948)
425 (unassigned
maker; stereoscopic microscope; mid-20th century)
378 (Spencer; stereoscopic microscope; c. 1920)
387 (Prior; Stereoscopic microscope; 1940s)
415 (Prior; Stereoscopic microscope; 1940s)





389 (Charles Perry; Stereoscopic microscope, model Classic
Nº. 2; 1920s)
426 (Carl
Zeiss; Greenough’s binocular microscope, stand Xa; c. 1900)
438 (Carl Zeiss; Greenough’s binocular microscope, stand X;
late 1930s)
451 (R & J Beck; stereoscopic microscope; 1960s)
455 (Bausch & Lomb; stereoscopic microscope, model BKT;





355 (Carl Reichert; stereoscopic microscope MAK; 1950s)
367 (CTS;
stereo microscope; 1960s)
370 (Charles Perry; stereo microscope, model Prefect; 1960s)
371 (KOMZ; stereo microscope; 1980s)
372 (Carl Zeiss; stereo microscope SM XX; 1970s)





386 (Prior; Stereoscopic microscope, model S.B.F.; 1950s)
388 (Charles
Perry; Stereoscopic microscope; 1960s)
394 (Meopta; stereoscopic microscope; early 1950s)
401 (Ernst Leitz; stereoscopic binocular microscope; c. 1960)
417 (Leitz; stereoscopic binocular microscope Greenough; c.





419 (Nachet; stereo microscope; 1940s)
435 (American
Optical; stereoscopic microscope series 25; 1960s)
439 (R & J Beck; Greenough’s binocular microscope; 1950s)
443 (R & J Beck; stereoscopic microscope Greenough;
448 (Ernst Leitz; stereoscopic binocular microscope; c. 1958)





450 (W. Watson & Sons; Greenough stereoscopic microscope;
418 (Vickers
Instruments; Steros II microscope; c. 1966)
424 (Olympus; stereoscopic microscope, model VA-II; c. 1970)
433 (W. Watson & Sons; stereoscopic microscope on the
“Nine Fifty” stand; mid-20th century)
456 (R & J Beck; stereoscopic microscope Greenough;





402 (Charles Baker; stereo microscope; 1930s – 1940s)
431 (Charles
Baker; Greenough binocular microscope; c. 1940)
434 (W. Watson & Sons; Greenhough stereoscopic
microscope; 1959)
449 (W. Watson & Sons; Greenough binocular dissecting
microscope; 1947)
452 (Charles Perry; stereoscopic microscope; 1940s)





390 (Charles Baker; Greenough binocular microscope; 1950s)
391 (Watson
Barnet; stereoscopic microscope; c. 1959)
395 (R & J Beck; stereo microscope; 1940s)
416 (Charles Perry; stereo microscope, model Prefect; 1960s)
396 (Bausch & Lomb; stereo microscope, model SSM15;





403 (Watson Barnet; binocular dissecting microscope; c. 1966)
404 (Carl
Zeiss; stereo microscope Technival; c. 1977)
369 (Bausch & Lomb; StereoZoom 4 microscope; 1960s)
360 (Phillip Harris; small stereoscopic microscope; 1990s)
356 (UKO B & L; handheld stereoscopic microscope;
mid-20th century)





385 (Negretti & Zambra; binocroscope; early 20th century)
380 (Negretti
& Zambra; binocroscope; early 20th century)
363 (R & J Beck; Binomax binocular head; 1930s)
364 (Theodore Hamblin; stereo binocular head; mid-20th
365 (CTS; stereo binocular head; mid-20th century)





351 (Ernst Leitz; stereo binocular head; 1940s - 1950s)
381 (Ernst
Leitz; stereo binocular head; mid-20th century)
359 (Kyowa; Stereo body head, model SDZ; 1970s - 1980s)
357 (Meiji Labax Co. Ltd.; stereo head EMT series; 1990s)
358 (American Optical; Stereo Star Zoom head; 1960s – 1980s)

366 (unknown maker; stereo binocular head; 1960s – 1980s)