



119 (unassigned
maker; pocket microscope; c. 1900)
142 (unassigned
maker; pocket microscope; late 19th to early 20th centuries)
(unassigned maker; pocket microscope; c. 1900)
196 (unassigned
maker; pocket microscope; late 19th to early 20th centuries)
480 (The
Science Accessories Co; Midgard pocket microscope; c. 1920)





189 (unassigned
maker; pocket microscope; late 19th to early 20th centuries)
141 (unassigned
maker; pocket microscope with wire stand and mirror; late 19th to early
20th centuries)
165 (unassigned maker; drum microscope;
early 20th century)
483B (unknown maker; simple
microscope; 19th century)
483A (unknown maker; simple
microscope; 19th century)





233 (unassigned
maker; flower microscope; 19th century)
467 (unknown
maker; flower microscope; 19th century)
472 (unassigned
maker; flower microscope; 19th century)
256 (C.
Baker; aplanatic or platyscopic dissecting lens; c. 1900)
309 (unknown
maker; Stanhope magnifier; late 19th century to early 20th





166 (unassigned
French maker; microscope universel; c. 1900)
251 (unassigned
maker; microscope universel; 1920s)
183 (Jones
& Co.; Excelsior Microscope; early 20th century)
292 (R &
J Beck; Luminex microscope; 1960s)
(Bausch and Lomb; Hastings measuring magnifier; 1990s)





478 (Unassigned
maker; seed or insect live-cage pocket microscope; c. 1900)
474 (Unassigned maker; seed or
insect live-cage pocket microscope; second half of 19th century)
315 (unassigned
maker; Coddington magnifier; late 19th century to early 20th century)
335 (Baird
& Tatlock; scaleometer; 1950s)
336 (unassigned
maker; portable microscope; 1960s)





337 (PA
Permuta Plastics Ltd; pocket folding microscope; 1950s)
(unassigned maker; short tripod microscope; c. 1900)
492 (unassigned maker; short
tripod microscope; c. 1900)
493 (unassigned maker; short
tripod microscope; c. 1900)
507 (unassigned
maker; short tripod microscope; c. 1900)




508 (unassigned
maker; short tripod microscope; c. 1900)
500 (Unassigned maker; pocket
microscope pen; mid-20th century)
521 (Unknown
maker; Withering-type botanical microscope; c. 1800)
536 (Ernst
Leitz; measuring loupe; 1960s)





239 (unassigned
maker; pilar-type linen tester; late 19th century to the early 20th
242 (unassigned
maker; pilar-type linen tester; late 19th century to the early 20th
287 (assigned
to A Franks; pilar-type linen tester; late 19th century to the early 20th
236 (A
Franks; folding linen tester; late 19th century to the early 20th century)
237 (unassigned
maker; folding linen tester; late 19th century to the early 20th century)





250 (Casartelli;
folding linen tester; late 19th century to the early 20th century)
284 (G.
Cartwright & Son; folding linen tester; late 19th to the early 20th
285 (EA
White Ltd; folding linen tester; late 19th to the early 20th century)
490 (unassigned maker; folding
linen tester; late 19th century to the early 20th century)
491 (unassigned maker; folding
linen tester; late 19th century to the early 20th century)





252 (A.
Franks; folding linen tester; late 19th century to the early 20th century)
310A (unknown maker; unassigned maker; folding linen tester;
mid to late 20th century)
310B (unknown maker; unassigned maker; folding linen tester;
mid to late 20th century)
310C (unknown maker; unassigned maker; folding linen tester;
mid to late 20th century)
311 (Gowllands;
folding linen tester; mid-20th century)





300 (J
Casartelli & Son; cloth counting glass; early 20th century)
458 (J
Casartelli & Son; cloth counting glass; early 20th century)
489 (Britex; Universal ACHRO
prover x8; mid-20th century)
326 (unassigned
maker; compound linen proving microscope; early 20th century)
488 (unassigned maker; linen
proving microscope; late 19th century)





473 (John Nesbitt; thread
counter, early 20th century)
471 (Thomas
Armstrong & Brother; thread counter, c. 1910)
302 (J
Casartelli & Son; cloth counting glass; c. 1910)
262 (J.
Casartelli & Son; cloth counting glass; c. 1910)
(Chronik Bros.; Triplex thread counting micrometer; 1910s)




(535) J Casartelli & Son; cloth counting glass; c. 1970**
502 (Unassigned
maker; slide head linen prover; mid-19th century)
510 (Unassigned
maker; linen prover; mid-19th century)
531 (unknown
maker; thread counter; c. 1920)





20A (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)
20H (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)
160 (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; mid 19th century)
199 (Moreau;
drum microscope; mid-19th century)
214 (unassigned
maker; drum microscope; late 19th to early 20th century)





215 (E.
Lennie; drum microscope; late 19th century)
342 (unassigned
maker; drum microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)*
340 (unassigned
maker; drum microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)*
20C (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)
481 (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; c. 1870)





68 (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)
511 (Benn
Franks Limited; early 20th century)
80 (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)
206 (unassigned
maker; drum microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)
20D (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)





20E (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)
20J (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)
20G (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)
514 (unknown
maker; drum-like microscope; mid-19th century)
190 (assigned
to Buron; drum-like microscope No 4; mid-19th century)





495 (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; mid 19th century)
20I (unassigned maker; drum
microscope; mid 19th century)
135 (JH Steward; drum
microscope; c. 1860)
200 (unassigned
maker; drum microscope; early 20th century)
329 (unassigned
maker; drum microscope; mid 19th century)





494 (unassigned maker; Large drum
microscope; mid 19th century)
(unassigned maker; Large Improved Compound Microscope; mid 19th century)
20F (unassigned maker; Large Improved
Compound Microscope; mid 19th century)
519 (unknown
maker; Double drum microscope; late 19th century)
525 (unassigned
maker; drum microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)

350 (Charles
Baker; hardness tester microscope; mid-20th century)*





2 (assigned to Edouard
Lutz; Modéle des ecoles primaires; c. 1890)
3 (assigned to A Franks;
student microscope; late 19th century)
91 (assigned to A
Franks; student microscope; late 19th century)
4 (assigned to Deyrolle;
modèle E; late 19th century to early 20th
25 (assigned to Deyrolle;
modèle E; late 19th century to early 20th





5 (assigned to Deyrolle;
c. 1900)
19 (assigned to Deyrolle;
c. 1900)
272 (assigned
to Deyrolle; simple compound microscope; c. 1900)
323 (assigned
to Deyrolle; simple compound microscope; c. 1900)
24A (assigned to Deyrolle; late
19th century to early 20th century)





24B (assigned to Deyrolle; late
19th century to early 20th century)
325 (assigned
to J Parkes & Son; child’s portable compound microscope; c. 1870)
21 (unassigned maker; improved
household microscope; c. 1900)
191 (unassigned
maker; improved household microscope; c. 1900)
32 (unassigned maker; household
microscope; c. 1900)





163 (unknown maker; double pillar
French microscope; c. 1900)
(Unassigned maker; double pillar compound microscope; c. 1900)
312 (unknown
maker; simple inclinable microscope; c. 1890)
331 (unknown
maker; inclinable simple compound microscope; c.1890)
50 (assigned to Radiguet;
late 19th century)





341 (unassigned
maker; simple compound microscope; late 19th - early 20th century)*
120 (unassigned maker; library
microscope; c. 1890)
176 (unassigned
maker; household-type microscope; c. 1900)
267 (unassigned
maker; simple microscope; early 20th century)
240 (unassigned
maker; simple student microscope; late 19th century to the early 20th





(unassigned maker; simple microscope; late 19th to the early 20th century)
253 (unassigned
maker; simple compound microscope; c. 1860)
(unassigned maker; single pillar compound microscope; mid-19th century)
479 (Unassigned
maker; student microscope; c. 1860)
524 (Unassigned
maker; student microscope; mid-19th century)





96 (Ernst Leitz; Stativ V model;
67 (assigned to J Parkes &
Son; c. 1860)
100 (assigned
to J Parkes & Son; c. 1860)
482 (JT Slug; student microscope;
c. 1865)
255 (Parkes
& Son; compound microscope; c. 1860)





529 (unknown
maker; inclinable simple compound microscope; c.1900)
188 (Emil
Bush; simple compound microscope; c. 1915)
193 (Carl
Schütz & Co; student microscope; early 20th century)
238 (Elliot
Brothers; student microscope; c. 1860)
182 (Dollond
& Co.; student microscope; c. 1900)





64 (unassigned maker; late 19th
317 (W.
Watson & Sons; Wand’s microscope; c. 1932)
345 (C
& D; The Field microscope; 1950s)*
303 (unassigned
maker; late 19th century to early 20th century)
208 (Hall
Bros; student microscope; early 20th century)





221 (Britex;
Minor microscope; mid-20th century)
346 (Britex;
Minor microscope; mid-20th century)*
347 (unknown
maker; Octopus microscope; 1960s)*
349 (Lumex;
toy microscope; 1960s)*
343 (assigned
to Charles Baker; improved nature microscope; second quarter of the 20th





348 (WRP;
simple microscope; 1960s)*
40 (C Reichert Wien; stand VII
microscope; 1898)
156 (C
Baker; improved nature microscope; second quarter of the 20th century)
526 (Unknown
maker; simple compound microscope; late 19th century)
533 (assigned
to J Parkes & Son; improved school microscope; c. 1860)

537 (Unassigned
maker; compound microscope; late-19th century)





38A (R &
J Beck; continental microscope; c. 1900)
38B (R &
J Beck; continental microscope; c. 1900)
38C (R &
J Beck; continental microscope; c. 1900)
265 (Bausch
& Lomb; continental microscope BB; c. 1900)
222 (Carl
Zeiss; microscope stand VI; 1910s)





421 (W.
Watson & Sons; Praxis microscope; 1914)*
269 (Ernst
Leitz; microscope stand Ia; c. 1897)
152 (R
& J Beck; pathological microscope; c. 1887)
224 (R
& J Beck; pathological microscope; c. 1897)
195 (R&J
Beck; Economic microscope; c. 1878)





330 (R
& J Beck; Economic microscope; c. 1878)
305 (Carl
Reichert; c. 1905)
423 (R.
Winkel; continental type microscope; 1917)*
306 (W
& H Seibert, student microscope, 1910s)
41 (Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar; stand
III microscope; late 1910s)





109 (W. Watson & Sons; c.
110 (Steindorff & Co; early
20th century)
153 (Ross; Improved No. 2
‘Standard’ microscope; c. 1905)
324 (W.
Watson & Son; Praxis microscope; c. 1916)
184 (Ernst
Leitz; stand IIb microscope; c. 1896)





92 (C Reichert, Wien; 1899)
65 (J Swift & Son; Army
Bacteriological Microscope; c. 1900)
66 (J Swift & Son; Army
Bacteriological Microscope; c. 1900)
130 (Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar; microscope
stand IIb; c. 1907)
513 (Carl
Zeiss; Stand IVa; c. 1905)





115 (Carl Zeiss; microscope stand
Va; 1886)
168 (Hartnack
& Prazmowski; stand III-A microscope; c. 1880)
179 (Hartnack
& Prazmowski; stand III-A microscope; c. 1880)
227 (Hartnack
& Prazmowski; stand III-A microscope; c. 1880)
220 (unassigned
maker; late 19th century)





(Charles Baker; student microscope; c. 1880)
(Nachet; Petit Modèle microscope; c. 1862)
170 (Nachet;
Petit Modèle microscope; c. 1850)
248 (Nachet;
Microscope nouveau modéle inclinant; c. 1880)
219 (Carl
Zeiss; microscope stand VII; c. 1900)





167 (Hartnack
& Prazmowski; stand III microscope; c. 1880)
314 (Hartnack
& Prazmowski; microscope stand III; c. 1880)
275 (Carl
Zeiss; microscope stand VIII; c. 1882)
197 (Ernst
Leitz; microscope stand IV; c. 1913)
231 (Nachet;
Microscope droit; 1880s)



318 (unassigned
maker; simple inclinable compound microscope; late 19th century)
497 (Hartnack & Prazmowski;
microscope stand III-A; c. 1875)
530 (Hartnack
& Prazmowski; microscope stand No. II; c. 1877)





26 (E. Wheeler; new educational
microscope; c. 1870)
88 (C Collins; student
microscope; c. 1865)
104 (F. Pastorelli & Co; c.
(unassigned maker; mid-19th century)
254 (C.
Baker; educational microscope; c. 1860)





241 (Charles
Baker; student microscope; c. 1870)
229 (JH
Steward; microscope stand No. 3; c. 1880)
51 (Negretti & Zambra; c.
186 (JH
Steward; compound microscope stand No 1; c. 1880)
37 (unassigned maker; mid 19th





171 (unassigned
maker; Victorian-style microscope reproduction; second half of the 20th
17 (Pillischer; student
microscope, c. 1860)
(Pillischer; International microscope, c. 1880)
470 (Pillischer;
‘The International’ microscope, c. 1877)
105 (C Baker; student microscope; c.





228 (unassigned
maker; second half of 19th century)
234 (assigned
to Charles Collins; student five-guinea binocular microscope; c. 1870)
304 (R
& J Beck; student’s microscope; c. 1873)
486 (Smith & Beck; Student’s
microscope; c. 1857)
466 (unknown
maker; mid-19th




136 (A.
Henderson; c. 1865)
468 (unknown
maker; mid-19th
459 (W.
Matthews; compound microscope; c. 1860)
496 (Charles Baker; compound
microscope; c. 1860)